"The Medicine is about angels. It's about polarity. It's about violence and it's about the pandemic. I was talking to my Dad (who is a counselor) about the idea of love which is in all religions. It’s the foundation if you move past righteous judgement which causes division to the core teachings. What leads to war in history is polarization, the us-against-them a “you're right/they're wrong” mentality which is happening now through social dilemma, Facebook, wormholes, echo chambers and algorithms. The Medicine is also about superheroes and the idea of people needing a solution- something to turn to in this chaotic world that we live in, so full of crime, guns, war and violence everywhere you turn. I found that if I align myself with love and I ask – pray - that my day be guided by love, then my life is different and everything falls into place." -Lily Frost, June 2022
Produced by Stefan Sigerson. Music performed by Vicious Animals. Artwork by Steven R. Gilmore.